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3. December 2020
Job Type


Assignment Description

Electrical design for a study phase unmanned Oil and Gas topside project

Define, specify and design electrical systems for platforms and field engineering responsibility

Develop electrical philosophies, topologies, single line diagrams, load list, PMS/PDCS design and system descriptions to the required level according to client requirement

Participate and arrange meetings, workshops and reviews for electrical discipline

Input to layout design, Study report and other disciplines

Perform and complete engineering documents and data registers

Interface with other disciplines, contractors and client

In cooperation client and contractors ensure field engineering standardization and coherent integration and design between offshore Platforms, onshore station, onshore Operation Centre

Qualifications Required

Education Bachelor degree

Ex course

Required Work Experience:

Minimum 8 years’ experience from greenfield offshore oil&gas or offshore wind projects

Minimum 4 years’ Experience from electrical high and low voltage from Study or FEED phase

Experience with normally unmanned installations is an advantage

Experience and deep knowledge of electrical design according to relevant standards such as


Detail knowledge of Equinor technical requirements (TRs)

Required Qualifications:

Have good communication skills

Have a cooperative working attitude and acceptance for multicultural team environment

Ability to work independently as well as in team

Be systematic and accurate

Have a high loyalty to deadline and quality requirements

Be proactive, seeking advice and share own experiences with others

Innovative approach and a network builder

Fluent Norwegian and English skills - both orally and in writing

Duration: 04.01.2021 - 31.12.2021

Location: Oslo

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